Thursday, March 12, 2015

Starting a new life

I made my choice when it mattered the most!

As individuals we all grow up at some stage.

And by grow up am not referring in terms of age but in terms mentality and attitude.

Parents often have certain aspirations for their children and encourage them to follow their (Read parents) dreams.

After all they want, what is best for their children.

Just like everybody else, I was at a cross roads of life about deciding what career path to choose.

I was / am still good at math and accounts and had a passion for it to the point that I used to teach my friends and classmates math and accounts and help them excel in their exams.

My passion was such that when I was to join a degree college I opted for an evening course so that I could work with a Chartered Accountant in the day and learn all that there was to learn about the profession.

Just for a moment - do remember this was almost 14 years back. Unlike the youth of today where there are options galore and they get to pursue their dreams with greater parental support, I was doing this in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
And we are in a relatively conservative joint family situation.

My parents were thrilled that I was taking such a bold step of wanting to work for a pittance (even by the standards back then) with a Chartered Accountant just to learn the trade.
My career path was set and it was a matter of how well I learn, study and a matter of time before I pass my exams and qualify.

A year later - it all changed.

While I had a great boss who was very helpful, the work got to me. It was not the stress (for I have seen nightmarish stress in my work life many times) but the tediousness of tasks that got to me. It was mundane, boring and left little room for creative thinking and ability to think outside the box.

That was when I decided that I wanted to pursue a more 'Interesting' career in life.

And after committing a whole year, skipping college for another, joining evening classes for 3 I had decided that I want to pursue alternate options.

So I had to #StartANewLife 

Today it is over a decade that I have been in the field of sales and marketing with many a success story to tell and many an achievements to be proud about.

The biggest is that I am happy with what I am doing, Am not in a profession which is uni dimensional but multi-dimensional and have a plethora of exciting opportunities to make a difference in where am working.

My greatest achievement - paying a large percent for my expensive Global MBA out of my own pocket and the best - I bought my own apartment by the age of 32.

I could not buy it from  but I still am a proud owner of 1 :)

You can always view the #StartANewLife.  with's video here.

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