During a recent dig by some students of the Bangalore
chapter of Archeological Survey of India, searching for the lost gardens and
water of the city (students of the current batches had only heard of the garden
city and wondered where it all went and as a side project decided to venture on
a treasure hunt), they found that road contractors were laying magnets on
Bangalore roads mixed with tar. Apart from high road erosion, these magnets were creating an interesting traffic phenomena.

When a news channel heard of this, they promptly got
into action to interview people meaninglessly, knowing fully well that this
would do nothing to change the traffic situation, but vociferously
as they had to still had to sell their air waves that evening.
as they had to still had to sell their air waves that evening.
Excerpts of the Interviews are as follows:

The typical car driver – thank God I now have somebody else
to blame for always driving in the middle of every road I drive on in Bangalore
or outside, I like being the center of attention and now I can do this
shamelessly and not be blamed. We obsessive centre lane drivers now heave a huge sign of relief,
The Auto drivers’ union threatened to go on strike on being asked if they believed the magnet story – we don’t
follow any rules or give in to any pulls whether its gravity or magnetic, we
drive all over the roads. We are followers and believe in the snake god who is more powerful than any magnet and are his disciples who follow his ways.
The Bus driver’s reaction was simple – we drive with our
eyes closed, how does all this matter to us?

He signed off, sobbing – Even Axe deodorants dint work.
Super pun... Loved it..
nice one!
Haha! Good one!
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